Plus, free twoday shipping for six months when you sign up for amazon prime for students. Ficino on platos symposium commentaries by ficino on platos writin 9780856835094. As that decade wore on ficino authored commentaries on and summaries of plato s writings, many of which he continued to work on for the rest of his career. Marsilio ficinos commentary on platos symposium by marsilio ficino, 1944, university of missouri edition, in english.
Marsilio ficinos commentary on the fatal number in book viii of platos republic, berkeley. He has also translated many of ficino s other commentaries on plato s dialogues, published by shepheardwalwyn in four volumes as all things natural, evermore shall be so, gardens of philosophy and when philosophers rule. Marsilio ficino 14331499, the florentine scholarphilosophermagus, was largely responsible for the renaissance revival of plato. Baldesar castiglione, the book of the courtier, trans. Ficino, marsilio article about ficino, marsilio by the. If you have read one paragraph of any james hillman book, you know marsilio ficino is the godfather of archetypal psychology. Marsilio ficinos commentary on platos symposium sears reynolds jayne a. Marsilio ficinos commentary on platos symposium by marsilio ficino 2 editions first published in 1944 not in library. Marsilio ficino stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Ficinos is a wisdom received through reading platos symposium, making this philosophical treatise truly a text for todays philosophers, lovers of wisdom.
Ficinos commentary on the symposium inspired poets and artists throughout renaissance europe and introduced a platonic love into common speech. Ficino article about ficino by the free dictionary. Commentary on platos symposium on love, dallas, texas. Ficino translated into latin works of plato published 1484, plotinus, iamblichus, proclus, porphyry, and psellus, as well as some of the areopagites. Buy commentary on platos symposium on love by ficino, marsilio, sears jayne isbn. Ficinos hermias translation and a new apologue coauthored with roger a. In his symposium, plato crafted a set of speeches in praise of love that has influenced writers and artists from antiquity to the present.
This site is like a library, use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. Trueblood, platos symposium and ficinos commentary in lope. Book notes 587 extensive commentaries ficino wrote on plato, and the only one that has a literary form and appeal in itself. Commentaries on plato volume 2 download ebook pdf, epub.
Book on the christian religion are the most significant. Ficinos commentaries and treatises placed him in the first rank of philosophers of his age. The first reference since maternus, other than biographical, is from ficinos use of it in the commentary on platos symposium. Early christian writers read the dialogues ascent passage as a vision of the souls journey to heaven. On november 7, 1468, nine men gathered at careggi, outside florence, to honour platos birthday. His latin version of the dialogues of plato, published in. Inspire a love of reading with prime book box for kids discover delightful childrens books with prime book box, a subscription that delivers new books every 1. A course on the afterlife of platos symposium department of. Marsilio ficino author of commentary on platos symposium. Marsilio ficinos commentary on platos symposium in. Of his original writings the theologia platonica 1482. Marsilio ficino commentary on the symposium on love guidance. Ficino, who was also present, recorded what was said, although he himself did not speak, and his report constitutes the text of his commentary to platos dialogue.
We can see from the title itself that the first chapter originally formed part of ficinos commentary on plotinus. Marsilio ficinos commentary on platos symposium, volume 19, issues 12 marsilius ficinus, sears reynolds jayne snippet view 1944 marsilio ficinos commentary on platos symposium, volume 19. This man turned western europe on its psychological ear. This volume contains ficinos extended analysis and commentary on the phaedrus. The symposium or banquet, which forms platos inspiring account of socrates and his fellows discoursing on the nature of love, was translated from the greek into latin by the renaissance scholar, philosopher and astrologer, marsilio ficino. Ficinos commentary on the symposium inspired poets and artists throughout renaissance europe and introduced a platonic love into common. Marsilio ficino author of commentary on platos symposium on love.
Commentary on platos symposium on love marsilio ficino. Books by marsilio ficino author of commentary on platos. Oclcs webjunction has pulled together information and resources to assist library staff as they consider how to handle coronavirus. Nuptial arithmetic marsilio ficinos commentary on the fatal number in book viii of platos republic. Marsilio ficinos commentary on platos symposium on love. He was an astrologer, a reviver of neoplatonism in touch with the major academics of his day and the first translator of platos complete. Commentary on platos symposium on love by marsilio ficino. Toward the end of the fifteenth century the florentine scholar marsilio ficino translated the symposium first into latin and later into italian and coined the phrase amor platonicus to refer to the special bond of affection between two men plato had highlighted in the dialogue. This edition makes ficinos tuscan version available to english readers for the first time. Marsilio ficinos commentary on the fatal number in book viii of platos republic. Marsilio ficinos commentary on platos symposium sears. Responsibility the text and a translation, with an introduction, by sears reynolds jayne.
Another fascinating work, but out of print translation of ficinos work is his commentary on platos symposium translated by sears jayne. It was published and reprinted with ficino s latin translation of plato s works and thus shared the popularity and influence that translation enjoyed down to the end of the eighteenth century. Platos symposium and ficinos commentary agree in the vision of spiritual love as an ennobling force. Click download or read online button to get commentaries on plato volume 2 book now. In fact, the title of the book says that it was written by marsilio ficino, which he composed among his commentaries on plotinus. Ficinos commentary on platos timaeus offers the english reader, for the first time, an opportunity to share the insights of this highly influential renaissance philosopher into one of platos most important and controversial works. Ficino even has an entire book of the platonic theology devoted to. Marsilio ficino, commentary on platos symposium on love, trans. It was ficino, according to klibansky, panofsky and saxl, the authors of saturn and melancholy, who gave shape to the idea of the melancholy man of genius and exposed it. Ficinos is a wisdom received through reading platos symposium, making this philosophical treatise truly. Marsilio ficinos most popular book is commentary on platos symposium on love.
Review charles trinkaus 1995 journal of the history of philosophy 33 4. Marsilio ficino has 63 books on goodreads with 1537 ratings. Numerous and frequentlyupdated resource results are available from this search. Since ficino asserts that love is the basis of magic, and indeed, the key link that ensures the unity of the cosmos, his commentary on. Commentary on platos symposium on love ficino, marsilio on. Commentaries by ficino on platos writing 4 books by. This book is a translation of ficinos tuscan commentary to platos symposium. In one of his last works, the book of the sun, ficinos astrological vision culminated in a triumphant conjunction of astronomy and astrology. Platos symposium and ficinos commentary agree in the vision of spiritual love as an ennobling force, in contrast to carnal love, which debases, a vision which in socrates speech pro duces the famous description of a ladder of love leading up to the pure idea of the good and the beautiful. The boundless joy which ficino promises is not an empty promise. Isbn 0520081439 ernst cassirer, paul oskar kristeller, john herman randall, jr.
Beginning from ficinos youth, cosimo established himself as ficinos patron, allowing him to study, write, and live quite comfortably in florence all throughout his life. Marsilio ficinos most popular book is commentary on plato s symposium on love. He was an astrologer, a reviver of neoplatonism in touch with the major academics of his day and the first translator of plato s complete. Marsilio ficino italian philosopher and theologian. On the nature of love is a translation of marsilio ficinos commentary to platos symposium. Between 1484 and january 1486 ficino translated the whole of the enneads, and immediately. It is not a translation like brunis, which itself is not a. Marsilio ficinos commentary on platos symposium 1944. Reliable information about the coronavirus covid19 is available from the world health organization current situation, international travel.
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